Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Confessional

I have a confession to make... I am addicted to the internet. This unhealthy obsession began many years ago, when I was in junior high. I have gone through internet trends (Napster, Livejournal, MySpace, and now Facebook and Blogger) like a runny nose goes through kleenex, and still I want more.

And the acquisition of my iPhone has aggravated this condition. I now am connected to the internet wherever I am; stuck in traffic, boring meeting at work; and I too readily take advantage of it.

I read blogs, check the weather, keep up with several email accounts... At times I become a freakish internet stalker, existing entirely in a fictional realm and ceasing to interact with many people anywhere but the information super-highway.

Even my dogs have a blog....


4 Reale said...

Benefit: I thoroughly enjoy your blogs!

I think this is a healthy obsession. LiveJournal however...

Cassandra Anne said...


Though it's hard to see how this is much different than a LiveJournal....