Friday, October 26, 2007


Are Bob and I fools? Yes, yes we are. But we are fools in love; more precisely, fools in love with making poor decisions that make the other person deliriously happy for a short time. In this category fall several cars, many computers, oodles of books/cds/electronics, a HD-television, and now dog #3, Sammi.

Sammi has the disposition of Maggie, but is full Weimeranar, and acts the part. I love her. Bob has regret.

Is this true love? Where is the point when you have sacrificed too much for the person who means the most to you? Lately, I've looked at a person close to me and the choices she has made for someone she cares a great deal about. I feel she is throwing away opportunities that will never be regained and perhaps even her own happiness for someone she... loves??? How much is too much?

Regardless, Sammi nee Sage nee Shoushouljdfd (???) is a sweetheart and I love her already so much. I hope she fits well into our growing family.

1 comment:

4 Reale said...

When can I meet this saucy creature?